My vision

My goal is to provide outstanding performances, improvements and experiences by creating solutions that support the client’s objectives, build a solid relationship and enhance their market positioning.


My mission

My goal is to become my clients’ preferred partner and to help them drive change and growth by offering customized and tailor-made solutions backed by many years of experience in the remanufacturing and empty core sourcing business.


My values

Flexible: To get the best results, I focus on the strategy and vision of both your organization and my view. With my expertise and the international network and the diversity of my contacts, we are well able to offer several possible solutions.

Dedicated: My expertise and experience in a number of different sectors helps me to understand every query – and every client, and provide them with the best advice and solutions.

Transparent: In order to book results and establish a good relationship clear communication is paramount.

Partnerships: My goal is the complete satisfaction of my clients – a satisfaction that exceeds expectations: in my experience, this is something that can only be achieved by cultivating a productive, trusting and long-term partnership.

My strong sense of identification with client projects means that I am constantly striving to provide solutions, even for issues they maybe aren’t yet aware of. This sense of identification also means we value and promote seamless interaction with clients’ own teams, and ensure the best value is obtained from their eventual budget.

My long experience means I have expertise which reaches across a number of sectors within the remanufacturing industry as such a deep understanding of cultural issues.


How Solutus works

My success lies in its commitment to running projects with professionalism and expertise, and in identifying strongly with their outcome. This sense of responsibility means we always strive to add value and are pro-active in solving problems and in adopting client procedures.

My approach is distinctly innovative. I constantly seek new ways to increase client visibility and book the best possible results. We also look to get the most out of advances in automation, digitalization and embrace client technology platforms.

I am in touch with an extensive international network to access the best know-how, contacts and partnerships from around the world. The volume of business we generate gives me – and by implication my clients – greater results and a better market position.

For more information feel free to contact me.

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